Response pattern to match

Specifies an XPath or JSONPath expression that identifies an XML element or a JSON object.


  • The XPath expression is /customer/order/item. RICOH ProcessDirector parses the response for an item element that is a child of order, which is a child of customer:

    <customer name="John Smith">
        <order ordernumber=12345>
            <item description="brochure" file="brochure.pdf"/>
            <item description="calendar" file="calendar.pdf"/>

  • The JSONPath expression is $.customer.order[*].item. RICOH ProcessDirector parses the response for an item object that is a child of order, which is a child of customer:

      "customer": {
        "order": [
           { "item": "Book" },
           { "item": "Mug" }

These examples find two matches for the pattern and, as a result, create two jobs.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • You can use any valid XPath or JSONPath expression.

  • When the Create job from response property is set to Only when response pattern matches, RICOH ProcessDirector uses the expression to parse the response returned by the web service. RICOH ProcessDirector creates a job each time that it finds a matching element or object. For example, if RICOH ProcessDirector finds 3 matching elements, it creates 3 jobs. Each job contains the matching element or object and all the elements or objects nested within it.

    When the Create job from response property is set to Always, RICOH ProcessDirector does not parse the response. Instead, it creates an independent job from every response.

  • SOAP web service input devices support XML. REST web service input devices support both XML and JSON.