Transform step name

Specifies the name of a step based on the TransformWithAdvancedFeature step template. In the workflow, that step provides AFP input to the step based on the GetTransformPageExceptions step template.
Database name

Usage notes:

  • The TransformWithAdvancedFeature step calls the Advanced Transform feature to convert a job from an AFP data stream to a PDF or PostScript data stream.

  • If a workflow has more than one step based on the GetTransformPageExceptions step template, make the values for this property different. You can use either of these methods:

    • Give the steps based on the TransformWithAdvancedFeature step template different names.

    • Use the value of the Step identifier property for each step instead of the step name.

  • You can use RICOH ProcessDirector symbol notation for the name of the step. For example:

    • A workflow has two branches, each with a TransformWithAdvancedFeature step.

    • The branches join before the GetTransformPageExceptions step.

    • You specify ${Job.Info.Attr1} as the value of the Transform step name property.

    • You put an AssignJobValues step in each branch of the workflow. For the Values to set property on each step, you set Property to the Custom 1 job property and Value to the name of the TransformWithAdvancedFeature step in that branch.

    • When a job arrives at the GetTransformPageExceptions step, the Transform step name is set to the name of the TransformWithAdvancedFeature step that processed the job.

    For more information about symbol notation and how to use it, refer to the help system.