External command

Specifies a command string that a step can execute during processing.


1–3072 characters (bytes) Special characters are permitted.

The command string must use regular expression syntax.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • External command is a positional job property. For information about using positional job properties, refer to the Information Center.
  • One example of an external command appears in the RunExternalProgram step in the PDF workflow. This value is set for the External command property:
    • cp ${getControlFileName()} /aiw/aiw1/samples/${Job.ID}.info.csv
    • cp is the Linux command to copy a file.
    • ${getControlFileName()} is a symbol formula that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to derive the name of the file to copy. This formula specifies the control file in the External control file template property.
    • /aiw/aiw1/samples/${Job.ID}.info.csv is the Linux parameter for the directory path and name of the CSV file produced by the external command. If the Job ID is 10000000, the name of the file is 10000000.info.cfg.

    If the primary server runs on Windows, you must change the default value to use a Windows command and an appropriate directory name. For example:

    • copy ${getControlFileName()} C:\aiwdir\aiw1\samples\${Job.ID}.info.csv

  • External command is a positional job property. For information about using positional job properties, refer to the Information Center.