Page definition

Specifies the AFP page definition to use with the job. A page definition is an AFP resource that contains a set of formatting controls, including: the number of lines per sheet, font selection, print direction, and mappings for individual data fields to positions on the composed page. The RICOH ProcessDirectorline2afp data-stream conversion component uses this information when it converts the job into the AFP format. The page definition property corresponds to the PAGEDEF JCL parameter for input files that are sent by Download for z/OS or AFP Download Plus. Authorized users can specify this property.


Up to 8 characters (bytes)
Case-sensitive; can include these special characters: # $ @
Not set
Database name

Usage notes:

  • Make sure that the page definition that this property specifies is accessible to RICOH ProcessDirector. RICOH ProcessDirector looks for resources:
    1. Inline in the data stream
    2. In the directories that the AFP resource path job property specifies
    3. If the print step requests a resource, in the directories that the AFP resource path printer property specifies
    4. In Linux:
      • In the /aiw/aiw1/resources directory
      • In the /usr/lpp/psf/reslib directory
    5. In Windows:
      • In the c:\aiw\aiw1\resources directory
      • In the \reslib directory in the PSF install path. The default install path is C:\Program Files (x86)\InfoPrint\PSF .
  • The LineData workflow that RICOH ProcessDirector provides includes the ConvertLineDataJobIntoAFP step. This step calls the RICOH ProcessDirectorline2afp data-stream conversion component and specifies a default page definition of P1A08682 . This page definition is for 8.5 inch by 11.0 inch paper, and specifies 86 print lines per page at 8.2 lines per inch.
  • For detailed information including a list of page definitions that RICOH ProcessDirector provides, see the PAGEDEF parameter in the AFP Conversion and Indexing Facility: User's Guide .