Exceed pages to batch

Specifies whether the hot folder should submit a collection of PDF files whose total pages exceed the value set for the Number of pages to batch property.


When a PDF file contains enough pages to make the total number of pages in the hot folder exceed the value set for the Number of pages to batch property, submit that file with the rest of the files as a group.
No (default)
When a PDF file contains enough pages to make the total number of pages in the hot folder exceed the value set for the Number of pages to batch property, submit only the PDF files that are already in the hot folder. The PDF file remains in the hot folder as the first set of pages for the next batch.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • The value of the Exceed pages to batch property is only used with the Pages or Pages in sets batching method.
  • If a single file contains more pages than the value set for the Number of pages to batch property and the Exceed pages to batch property is set to Yes, the file is submitted for printing, either as a batch with the rest of the PDF files that are waiting to print or as a batch that contains only one file. However, if the Exceed pages to batch property is set to No, the file cannot be submitted. Processing for the hot folder stops until that input file is deleted, the value of the Number of pages to batch property is increased to at least the number of pages in the file, or the value of the Exceed pages to batch property is changed to Yes so the file can be submitted.