Time of last successful request

Shows the date and time when the input device last successfully requested a response from a web service for an application. You cannot change the value of this property.
Database name
Usage Notes:
  • When the web service input device successfully requests a response, RICOH ProcessDirector sets the value of this property to match the value of the WebService.CurrentRequestTime property.

    RICOH ProcessDirector sets the value of the WebService.CurrentRequestTime property, which does not appear in the user interface, at the start of the interval specified by the Polling interval property.

  • A successful request is one that results in a response code 200 from the application.
  • To specify a time range in the Request payload property that matches the polling interval, use symbols for this property and the WebService.CurrentRequestTime property. This example requests a time period from the application for the last successful request. If there are failures when calling the application, jobs are not missed from the previous polling loop. This example uses XML:

    <TimeRange> <Start>${WebService.LastSuccessRequestTime}</Start> <End>${WebService.CurrentRequestTime}</End></TimeRange>