Maximum documents in memory

Specifies the maximum number of documents that are in memory when the BuildPDFFromDocuments step adds documents to the PDF file.

For example, the IdentifyPDFDocuments step has identified 500 documents, and this property is set to 200. The BuildPDFFromDocuments step puts the first 200 documents in memory and adds them to the PDF file. The step then puts the next 200 documents in memory and adds them. Finally, the step puts the last 100 documents in memory and adds them.


Data type
Integer from 1 to 9999
Database name

Usage notes:

  • If you encounter a memory error when multiple IdentifyPDFDocuments and BuildPDFFromDocuments steps run concurrently, we recommend that you tune those steps so that fewer of them run concurrently.

    If you have memory issues when a BuildPDFFromDocuments step is processing jobs even though other IdentifyPDFDocuments and BuildPDFFromDocuments steps are not running, lower the value of this property.

  • This property affects processing only when the control file for the BuildPDFFromDocuments step uses the improved PDF processing library. For more information about the improved PDF processing library, see the topic about working with control files in the help system.