XSLT style sheet file
Specifies the full path and name of a file that contains an Extensible Stylesheet
Language Transformations (XSLT) style sheet. A step based on the ApplyXSLTransform step template uses the style sheet to convert a file in one format into another format.
For example, the step can convert XML into a text file containing RICOH ProcessDirector job or document properties. You can also select a step resource object as the value
for the property instead of providing a path and filename. Using a step resource lets
you change the specific file without editing all of the workflows that contain the
step that uses the file.
- Default
- None
- Database name
- Job.XSLT.TransformFile
- Usage notes:
The ApplyXSLTransform step supports XSLT Version 1.1.
Use an XSLT editor to create the style sheet.
You can use RICOH ProcessDirector symbol notation for the name of the XSLT file. For more information about symbol notation and how to use it, refer to the help system.