Request payload

Specifies the body of the web services request that the step submits to an application. Refer to the documentation for that application for syntax and requirements.

You can enter the payload directly in this field or you can store it in a text file that is accessible to this step during job processing.

  • If you enter the text in this field, change the value of the Request payload type property to Text.
  • If you store the payload in a file, type the full path and file name to that file here, then change the value of the Request payload type property to File.


Up to 32700 characters (bytes)

Database name

Usage notes:

  • You can use RICOH ProcessDirector symbol notation in the Request payload property. Symbols are resolved when the step runs.

    For more information about symbol notation and how to use it, refer to the Information Center.

  • If you use a payload file, the file must have a file extension and the file path must include the payload file’s extension.
  • Request payload is a positional job property. For information about using positional job properties, refer to the Information Center.