Workflow to use

Specifies what workflow to use to restart processing of one or more jobs.


Current workflow (default)
  • If you are processing one or more jobs that have used the same workflows again, the jobs continue processing from the step that you specify. That step can be in the current workflow or in another workflow that already processed the job. You can choose the input data stream and whether RICOH ProcessDirector stops a job when it enters the first step of a specific phase.

    If you are processing the job again to pick up job property values that you changed, select a restart step that processes the changed property values. For example, if you changed a control file used by a step, back up to the step where the control file was specified.

  • If you are processing multiple jobs again in different workflows, each job continues processing from the first step in its current workflow.
Different workflow
The jobs continue processing from the first step of the workflow that you select from the list.

If the workflow that you are looking for is not in the list, check to see if the workflow is disabled. Either select a different workflow or enable the workflow and try again.

Usage notes:

  • If you are processing one or more jobs that are using the same workflow, you can select a phase and step from any workflow that already processed the job. The list starts with the last step that processed the jobs.
  • If you are processing one or more jobs and any of the workflows were edited after the jobs started, the Current workflow option is not available. You must select a workflow from the list.