Automatic reconciliation

Indicates whether the system reconciles and reprints documents automatically (without operator intervention) that are marked for reprinting during insertion or the ReadBarcodeData step.

If you do not have the Inserter or Automated Verification feature, set this property to No.


No (default)
The system does not reconcile the job automatically. To reconcile the job and select which documents to reprint, select the Reconcile action for the job.
The system reconciles the job automatically and reprints documents. If the percentage of documents to be reprinted exceeds value of the Maximum documents to reprint property, the system places the job in an error state. For inserters, if any documents require attention, the system places the job in an error state.
Database name

Usage note:

  • For inserters, you can set the Automatic reconciliation property to Yes if you use the interface on the inserter to reconcile jobs. To use the Reconcile Job page of the RICOH ProcessDirector user interface to reconcile jobs, set the Automatic reconciliation property to No.