Source ID

Specifies the relationship, if any, that the workflow has with a workflow that RICOH ProcessDirector or one of its features supplied.

This property has no value if an authorized user created the workflow without copying a supplied workflow. If a user copied the workflow from a supplied workflow, the Workflow source ID is the same as the name of the supplied workflow. If a feature installed the workflow, the Workflow source ID is the same as the name of the workflow. You cannot change the value of this property.

Database name

Usage note: If you uninstall a feature that added a workflow, RICOH ProcessDirector uses the Workflow source ID property and the Workflow created by property to manage the workflow. Workflows that are not used by jobs in the system or referred to by other objects are deleted. Workflows that are still referred to are identified in a message during the uninstallation process so that you can dispose of them properly.