NPRO timer (seconds)

Specifies the number of seconds that a continuous-forms printer waits for the next job to arrive, after the last page of the current job prints. If no new job arrives, the printer does a non-process runout (NPRO), which moves the last page of the current job from the printer transfer station to the stacker. Authorized users can specify this property.


Data type
Integer from 0-9999. 0 means that an NPRO never occurs automatically for the printer. The operator must perform an NPRO at the printer.
60; used if no value is specified. This is the default value set by the printer driver component.
Database name

Usage notes:

  • This property applies only to AFP printers.
  • You cannot change the value of this property if there is a job assigned to the printer.
  • RICOH ProcessDirector automatically shuts down and restarts the printer when you change the NPRO timer.