First PDF segment size

Specifies the size, in pages, of the first PDF job segment that is sent to the printer. If the first segment is smaller than the other segments, the printer can start printing the first segment sooner because processing the segment requires less time. If you do not specify a value, the first segment is the same size as the other segments.
Database name

Usage note:

  • When you create a Ricoh PDF printer with Data stream to send set to JDF/PDF and you keep the default values for First PDF segment size and PDF segment size, RICOH ProcessDirector clears the values when you click OK. Jobs are not split into segments.

    If you right-click the Ricoh PDF printer and select Properties, the values for First PDF segment size and PDF segment size are blank. To split jobs into segments, enter values for First PDF segment size and PDF segment size. RICOH ProcessDirector does not clear the values when you click OK.

    When Data stream to send is set to JDF/PDF, we recommend that you do not set values for segment size when you print normal-size jobs.