Results file inactivity timer

Specifies the amount of time that RICOH ProcessDirector waits after a barcode is recorded in the results file for the job before it moves the job to the next step. The timer is reset each time a barcode is read. If the Results file inactivity timer reaches the value selected, the job moves to the next step. Documents from the job with barcodes that were not read are marked with an Attention status.


Data type
Integer from 1-9999.
Default (minutes)
No default value

Database name

Usage notes:

  • The timer does not start until at least one barcode is recorded in the results file. If no barcodes are recorded, the job remains in the ReadBarcodeData step.
  • Setting a value on the Results file inactivity timer property causes the job to move to the next step after the timer expires, even if some documents for the job have not been detected (for example, if you set the Complete step when all barcodes are read property to Yes).
  • Results file inactivity timer is a positional job property. For information about using positional job properties, refer to the Information Center.