Complete step when all barcodes are read

Specifies whether RICOH ProcessDirector moves the job to the next step after all the documents for the job are detected.


Yes (default)
The job moves to the next step after all of the documents for the job have been detected by having their barcodes read.
If there is no value set on the Results file inactivity timer, the job stays in the ReadBarcodeData step and does not move to the next step even if all the documents for the job have been detected. An operator must use the Complete barcode step action to move the job to the next step.

If the Results file inactivity timer has a value, the job moves to the next step after the timer expires even if some documents for the job have not been detected.

Database name

Usage note: Complete step when all barcodes are read is a positional job property. For information about using positional job properties, refer to the Information Center.