URL for download file

Specifies the URL of the file to download.


Up to 1024 characters (bytes)

Database name

Usage notes:

  • You can use RICOH ProcessDirector symbol notation in the URL. For example, https://mysite.${Job.CustomerName).pdf.

    For more information about symbol notation and how to use it, refer to the help system.

  • If the URL for the file presents a security certificate before the file can be downloaded, RICOH ProcessDirector accepts this certificate automatically.
  • If credentials are required to access the Web site where the file resides, the credentials should be included in the value.

    For example: ftp://username:password@host/path/file.

  • You must provide the full URL to the file.
  • URL for download file is a positional job property. For information about using positional job properties, refer to the Information Center.