Device portlets on Main

Specifies whether RICOH ProcessDirector displays objects in the Input Devices and Printers portlets on the Main page using a graphic or list view. If you have the Automated Verification or Inserter feature, the property also specifies how RICOH ProcessDirector displays objects in the Barcode Readers or Inserter Controllers portlet.


Use graphic view (default)
This view includes a graphic of each object in the name column (for example, Input device name or Printer name). A yellow arrow on a graphic shows that the object is disabled or disconnected. A green arrow shows that the object is enabled or connected. Clicking an arrow does an action. For example, when a printer is enabled, you can disable it by clicking the green arrow.
Use list view
This view lists the name of each object in the name column without graphics.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • Both views display the same columns for the values of object properties. Both views also let you open the property notebook for an object by clicking its name.
  • The System Summary, Jobs, and Documents portlets are always displayed in list view.
  • You can set the value of this property on either the Preferences dialog or the user property notebook.