Overrides patterns

Specifies one or more pattern-matching strings. RICOH ProcessDirector uses the strings to identify files that it must process in conjunction with a list file and the input files that the list file specifies or with another single input file.

The overrides file and the input file can have the same name, but they must have different extensions. RICOH ProcessDirector does not process files that it identifies with this pattern by themselves. The value uses regular expression syntax and characters in the value are case-sensitive. For example, .*CMD$,.*XLS$ represent patterns that are different from .*cmd$,.*xls$. Separate multiple patterns by commas; do not type a space between them.

The default pattern-matching string for Download input devices is .*JCL$. This default string cannot be changed. In this string:

  • Period ( . ) matches a single occurrence of any character.
  • Asterisk ( * ) matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding expression.
  • JCL are the actual three characters that must match.
  • Dollar sign ($) signifies that a match of JCL signifies the END of the expression.

The default for LPD input devices is .*other\.oth$. This default string cannot be changed. In this string:

  • Period ( . ) matches a single occurrence of any character.
  • Asterisk ( * ) matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding expression.
  • other are actual characters that must match.
  • Backslash (\) indicates that the following period is a literal period, not a placeholder.
  • .oth are actual characters that must match.
  • Dollar sign ($) signifies that a match of other.oth signifies the END of the expression.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • To process the overrides file in conjunction with a single input file, you cannot use the default value for this property. Update the Data patterns property to a pattern that specifically identifies the input file. For example, if the input file is a PDF, use this pattern: .*pdf$
  • If the batching method is List, make sure that the List patterns property for the input device includes the pattern that identifies the list file.
  • If the Completion method property for the input device is Trigger, RICOH ProcessDirector checks for trigger files first. It then checks for other pattern types in this order: overrides patterns, list patterns, data patterns.
  • An overrides file can also be used as a trigger file by specifying the same pattern value for both the Trigger patterns and Overrides patterns properties. In this case, the file is first used as a trigger to indicate that the job has been received and then as an overrides file to update property values.