
Specifies the name of an overlay that prints on every page of the job. An overlay contains predefined data, such as:
  • Lines
  • Shading
  • Text
  • Boxes
  • Logos

The predefined data in the overlay merges with the variable data from the print job on the printed page. Form definitions can also specify overlays. The overlay specified with this job property is in addition to any overlays that the form definition specifies. Authorized users can specify this property.


Up to 8 alphanumeric characters (bytes)
Case-sensitive; can include these special characters: # $ @
Not set
Database name

Usage notes:

  • Overlays are not used for jobs printed on Passthrough printers.
  • Make sure that the overlay that this property specifies is accessible to RICOH ProcessDirector. RICOH ProcessDirector looks for resources:
    1. Inline in the data stream
    2. In the directories that the AFP resource path job property specifies
    3. If the print step requests a resource, in the directories that the AFP resource path printer property specifies
    4. In Linux:
      • In the /aiw/aiw1/resources directory
      • In the /usr/lpp/psf/reslib directory
    5. In Windows:
      • In the c:\aiw\aiw1\resources directory
      • In the \reslib directory in the PSF install path The default install path is c:\Program Files (x86)\InfoPrint\PSF