Child workflow pattern

Specifies a pattern-matching string that consists of a regular expression and can include (JOB_TYPE) to specify what part of the file name should be used for the workflow for a single job or a child job. A pattern-matching string is used only if the Child workflow initialization step property is set to SetJobTypeFromFileName.


Up to 255 characters (bytes)
Not set

Database name

Usage notes:

  • RICOH ProcessDirector tries to match the pattern-matching string to a workflow twice, first with a dollar sign, $, appended to the pattern-matching string and then without one. Therefore, it finds a match at the end of the file name before a match at the beginning.
  • This is an example of a pattern-matching string that uses the file extension to determine the workflow:


    The asterisk, *, represents zero or more characters. The period . is a literal period. The (JOB_TYPE) token signifies that RICOH ProcessDirector should use the characters that follow the literal period as the workflow. Therefore, submitting an input file with the name myfile.pdf results in the input device assigning pdf as the workflow. Users can use a period, an asterisk, and (JOB_TYPE) to select any portion of the job name to use as the workflow name. For example, the pattern (JOB_TYPE).* would cause RICOH ProcessDirector to use the file name to set the workflow.

  • This is an example of a regular expression that uses the first 4 alphanumeric characters of the file name:


    There is no (JOB_TYPE) token in this string because the entire pattern is the workflow. Therefore, submitting an input file with the name pdf3file.pdf results in the input device assigning pdf3 as the workflow.