Comparison Type

Specifies how the contents of a field are used to search for documents.


A barcode format value meets the condition based on a partial value of the property. The comparison is case-sensitive.
For example, if decoding the barcode results in Bills and the field is Job Name, the search looks for jobs where the job name contains the string Bills.
Equals (default)
A barcode format value meets the condition if the value of the selected property exactly matches the text in the Value field. The comparison is case-sensitive.
For example, if decoding the barcode results in 05 and the field is Insert status code, the search looks for documents where the insert status code is equal to the value 05.
A barcode format value meets the condition if the initial character or characters of the selected property match the text in the Value field. The comparison is case-sensitive.
For example, if decoding the barcode results in 1 and the field is Insert status code, the search looks for documents where the insert status code starts with the character 1.

Database name