Create User Information Page

Specifies whether this printer object should create a User Information Page (UIP) for this job and send it to the printer with the job. If the TCP/IP address or host name for this printer object refers to a WPM AFP Emulator, WPM Web uses the information in the UIP to process the job. The UIP is not printed.


Not set (default)
This printer object does not create a UIP for the job.
This printer object creates a UIP and sends it to the printer with the job.
This printer object does not create a UIP for the job.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • The values required to create the UIP come from a step based on the SetWPMProperties step template. Jobs sent to WPM Web should be processed through a step based on SetWPMProperties before they are assigned to a printer.
  • If this property is set to Yes and the job has not been processed through a step based on the SetWPMProperties step template, the UIP cannot be created, so the job moves into the error state.
  • If this property is set to Yes and the TCP/IP address or host name for this printer object does not refer to a WPM AFP Emulator, the UIP is sent to the printer and printed before the job.