Output format

Generally used to specify whether the first page or the last page of a job prints first. The value can also indicate whether the job needs to be transformed to a different data stream before it is printed. The system uses Output format to schedule a job to a printer that has the same value for its Output format property. The Output format for a job can be set by a workflow.


A to Z for AFP
The job is in AFP format and the first page prints at the start of the job.
A to Z for PDF
The job is in PDF format and the first page prints at the start of the job.
Z to A for AFP
The job is in AFP format and the last page prints at the start of the job.
Z to A for PDF
The job is in PDF format and the last page prints at the start of the job.
The job is in a format, such as PostScript, that must be transformed into another data stream to print.
Not set (Default)
The Output format value for the job is not set. Jobs without a value for Output format can be printed on a printer with any value for the printer Output format property. The job is not reformatted.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • You cannot change the Output format for a job on the Scheduling tab of the job properties notebook.
  • You can change the Output format value for a job on the Schedule Jobs page. Select a job and a printer and then click Make jobs match selected printer. When you click OK, RICOH ProcessDirector sends the job to the step in the workflow whose Step restart type is set to Reformat.

    To use the Reformat restart type, you must modify the workflow so that it includes one or more branches that reformat the job for printers with different Output format values.