List patterns

Specifies one or more pattern-matching strings that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to identify list files. List files contain the names of input files that RICOH ProcessDirector processes as a group. The value uses regular expression syntax and characters in the value are case-sensitive. For example, .*LST$,.*LIST$ represent patterns that are different from .*lst$,.*list$. Separate multiple patterns by commas; do not type a space between them.

The default for Hot folder input devices is .*\.lst$, where:

  • Period (.) matches a single occurrence of any character.
  • Asterisk (*) matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding character, up to the maximum file name length.
  • Backslash (\) indicates that the following period is a literal period, not a placeholder.
  • .lst are the actual characters that must match.
  • Dollar sign ($) means that a match of .lst signifies the END of the expression.

The default for Download input devices is .*\.JOB$. This default string cannot be changed. In this string:

  • Period (.) matches a single occurrence of any character (letter or number).
  • Asterisk (*) matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding character.
  • Backslash (\) is the escape character that means the next character is interpreted literally.
  • .JOB are the actual characters that must match.
  • Dollar sign ($) means that a match of .JOB signifies the END of the expression.

The default for LPD input devices is .*list\lst$. This default string cannot be changed. In this string:

  • Period (.) matches a single occurrence of any character.
  • Asterisk (*) matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding expression.
  • list are actual characters that must match.
  • Backslash (\) indicates that the following period is a literal period, not a placeholder.
  • .lst are actual characters that must match.
  • Dollar sign ($) signifies that a match of list.lst signifies the END of the expression.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • Set the Workflow property for the input device to ParentNoPrint. Set the Child workflow property to a workflow that is appropriate for the types of input files that the list file specifies.
  • Set the Batching method property for the input device to List. Do not submit input files that are not specified by a list file to the input device. Any files that are not identified by a list file wait indefinitely on the input device.
  • List files are useful when an input device routinely receives many files that belong to different groups of files. Each list file contains a separate line for each input file that belongs to its group. The input device waits until all input files for the group arrive before it submits the group of files.
  • Copy the list file and all of the input files that it specifies to the directory that the Folder location property for the input device specifies. You can copy the input files and the list file in any order. The files are assigned child job IDs in the order they appear in the list file. Child jobs are not kept together through processing unless the WaitForGroup step is included in the workflow.
  • Use the Show files action for the input device if you need to determine whether all of the input files have arrived. The list file has a submit type of List file, and a status of Waiting as it waits for all input files to arrive.
  • If the Completion method property for the input device is Trigger, RICOH ProcessDirector checks for trigger files first. It then checks for other pattern types in this order: overrides patterns, list patterns, data patterns.