Reset on reprocess

Specifies whether RICOH ProcessDirector records new actual checkpoint times for a job when you use the Print Again or Process Again action to reprocess the job.


RICOH ProcessDirector records new actual checkpoint times for all phases that the job completes again.
No (default)
RICOH ProcessDirector does not record new actual checkpoint times for phases that the job has already completed.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • You can change this property on the Checkpoints tab of the properties notebook for a job.
  • This property does not affect the planned checkpoint times for a job. RICOH ProcessDirector calculates new planned checkpoint times for a job only when you use the Process Again action to process a job again from the first step.
  • If you change the value, the change does not affect existing jobs unless you use the Process Again action to reprocess an existing job from the first step.