Extended options

Specifies the extended options that the line2afp data-stream conversion component of RICOH ProcessDirector uses when it converts the job into the AFP format. Extended options are advanced features of the MO:DCA-P data stream, which are not supported by all presentation devices such as printers. You should verify that the assigned printer for the job supports the values you specify for this property.


RICOH ProcessDirector uses all of the extended options. If you specify ALL, do not specify any of the other options.
RICOH ProcessDirector produces GOCA box drawing orders.
RICOH ProcessDirector uses the GOCA Replicate and Trim function when it converts IM1 celled images. RICOH ProcessDirector only uses this value when the Image output format job property is IOCA.
RICOH ProcessDirector produces GOCA fractional line width drawing orders.
RICOH ProcessDirector passes OID information from the Resource Access Table (RAT) to the Begin Resource (BRS or BR) structured field when it saves TrueType and OpenType fonts.
RICOH ProcessDirector produces GOCA process color drawing orders.
Specifies that inline resources do not need to appear in any particular order. They only need to appear before the Begin Document (BDT) structured field. If you do not specify this value, the inline resources must be in the order in which the job uses them or an error occurs. Note that specifying the RESORDER value can significantly affect performance.
RICOH ProcessDirector uses the repeat string PTOCA order to remove trailing blanks from line data and to compress embedded blanks.
Specifies that the Begin Print File (BPF) and End Print File (EPF) structured fields contained in the AFP input file to define the boundaries of the print data should be preserved in the output file. If this value is not specified, the BPF/EPF pair is discarded. These structured fields are required in an IS/3 compliant AFP data stream.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • If you do not specify a value for this property, the line2afp data-stream conversion program defaults to a value of NONE. It does not use any extended options.
  • For detailed information, see the EXTENSIONS parameter in the AFP Conversion and Indexing Facility: User's Guide.