
Specifies the type of duplexed printing that the printer does if no other duplex information is received for the job. Duplexed jobs print on both sides of the paper.


Not set
No duplex mode is assigned. This is the default value.
Duplexed printing is not active. The job prints on a single side of the paper. This is also called simplexed printing.
Normal duplexed printing is active. The job prints on both sides of the paper, with the long side of the paper as the bound edge. This is the orientation that most books use.
Tumble-duplexed printing is active. The job prints on both sides of the paper, with the short edge of the paper as the bound edge. The bottom of the front side of the sheet is the top of the back side of the sheet.

The value set in the Duplex printer property is used for a job only if both of these conditions are true:

  • The job has a value of Not set for its Duplex job property.
  • The form definition for the job does not set a duplex value.
Database name

Usage notes:

  • This property applies only to AFP and PCLOut printers.
  • You cannot change the value of this property if there is a job assigned to the printer.
  • RICOH ProcessDirector automatically shuts down and restarts the printer when you change the duplex value.