Estimated duration

Specifies the estimated amount of time it takes for a step to complete processing a job.

This value is made up of a volume of work and a length of time.

For example, you might set one of these values as the Estimated duration:

  • 1 Job for every 40 Minutes
  • 50,000 Pages for every 2 Hours
  • 1000 Pages for every 1 Minute

1 Job for every 1 Minute
Database name

Usage notes:

  • This value is only used in the calculation for the Tracking status for a job if the Include in estimated duration property is set to Yes.
  • If you choose Pages as the unit of volume for a step, be sure to run a step based on the CountPages step template before that step.
  • If you want to set the Estimated duration on multiple steps in the workflow at the same time, open the workflow, right-click in the workflow editor, and select the Estimated durations.