Capture job data from Ricoh PDF printers

Specifies whether to capture the job data that is sent from RICOH ProcessDirector to all Ricoh PDF printers.


Captures the job data sent to all Ricoh PDF printers. The properties and print files are not deleted when the job is complete.
Deletes the properties and print files after a job is successfully printed on any Ricoh PDF printer.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • Sensitive or confidential data may be stored in the captured job data files.
  • Capturing job data requires large amounts of disk space. Therefore, we recommend turning this capture property on only for debugging and tracing purposes. After collecting the information you need, turn this capture property off.
  • When Capture job data from Ricoh PDF printers is enabled, RICOH ProcessDirector captures the data using the format sent to the printer. The captured files can be found in this directory:
    • On Linux: /aiw/aiw1/pc/ws/webapps/printing/WEB-INF/tmp/printing/
    • On Windows: C:\aiw\aiw1\pc\ws\webapps\printing\WEB-INF\tmp\printing\