Matching pattern for sets

Specifies the file name pattern that an input device uses when it creates sets. This pattern is a regular expression that indicates the portion of the input file names that must match within a set. The input files that make up a set are determined by the values for the Data patterns, JDF patterns, Overrides patterns, and File Patterns properties.


Up to 255 characters (bytes)

Database name

Usage notes:

  • The default value finds files whose names are identical except for their extensions and adds them to the same set. For example, the files Jones.csv and Jones.pdf match except for the extension and can be added to a set. Similarly, Jones.part1.csv and Jones.part1.pdf can be added to a different set.
  • The default value assumes that the filetype extension (the text after the last period in the file name) is used to identify each type of file in the set. For example, the Data patterns property is set to a value that uses the .pdf extension to identify the print file and the JDF patterns property is set to a value that uses the .jdf extension to identify the JDF job ticket.
  • This property is only used when the Batching method is set to Number of sets, Pages in sets, or Sets by time.