Predicted completion time

Specifies the date and time that RICOH ProcessDirector predicts for the job to finish processing the last step in its workflow that is included in the estimated duration.

This value is calculated by adding up the estimated duration specified for each step in the predicted path of the job.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • If RICOH ProcessDirector cannot determine the estimated duration for one or more steps, the Predicted completion time is blank.
  • If a step has the Included in estimated duration value set to No, RICOH ProcessDirector ignores that step when calculating the Predicted completion time.
  • If the estimated duration of any of the steps that are in the predicted path change, the Predicted completion time uses the new values.
  • If the job is processed again, goes back to a previous step in its workflow, or changes workflows, the Predicted completion time is adjusted to include the estimated durations of the steps remaining to be processed in the workflow.