Plus or minus

Specifies the number of minutes, hours, or days to add or subtract from the date or time set by the user in the Deadline time and Deadline date properties.

For example, if the Deadline date value is First day of the month and the Plus or minus value is +5 days, the deadline is the first day of the month plus five days, which is the 6th day of the month.

Alternately, if the Deadline date value is Last day of the month and the Plus or minus value is –2 days, the deadline is the last day of the month minus two days. In January, the deadline is the 29th.


Data type
Integer from -365 to +365

0 days
Database name

Usage notes:

  • If the value for Deadline date is Relative to property value the deadline is determined by adding this value to the time set for the selected property.
  • Plus or minus is a positional job property. For information about using positional job properties, refer to the Information Center.