Polling command

Specifies the command or script that the system uses to receive inserter results files that are not specific to one job. For example, Gunther inserter controllers create results files that can contain results for several jobs. The command can contain wildcard characters such as *. However, the command cannot contain symbols.

For example, this command copies all files in the /aiw/aiw1/System/icf/Gun_out directory (Linux) or the C:\aiw\aiw1\System\icf\Gun_out directory (Windows) to a RICOH ProcessDirector staging directory:

  • On Linux: copy_file.sh -s "/aiw/aiw1/System/icf/Gun_out/*"

  • On Windows: copy_file.pl -s "C:\aiw\aiw1\System\icf\Gun_out\*"


Up to 1024 characters (bytes)
Not set
Database name

Usage notes:

  • If the inserter controller does not return results files, do not specify this property.
  • If you specify the Polling command property, do not specify the Receive command property.
  • RICOH ProcessDirector provides scripts to transfer the inserter results files from an inserter controller directory to an internal RICOH ProcessDirector directory:

    • On Linux, the scripts include: copy_file.sh, ftp_file.sh, sftp_file.sh, and scp_file.sh.

    • On Windows, use copy_file.pl and move_file.pl.

  • The -s option is required. It specifies the source directory and file name of the inserter results files. Use an * to indicate all files in the source directory.
  • If you specify a command or script that is not in a directory specified in the PATH environment variable, specify the full path name of the command or script.
  • For information about scripts, see the RICOH ProcessDirector information center.