Stop for excess columns

Specifies whether a step based on the SetDocPropsFromList step template fails if the number of columns in the list file is greater than the number of properties specified in the Selected column of the Columns in list file property.


Yes (default)
The step places the job in Error state if the number of columns in the list file is greater than the number of properties selected in the Columns in list file property.
The step continues processing the list file even if the number of columns in the list file is greater than the number of properties selected in the Columns in list file property.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • The step assumes that the properties listed in the Columns in list file property and the columns in the list file are in the same order. For example, the property at the top of the Selected list corresponds to the first column of the list file; the second property in the Selected list corresponds to the second column in the list file.
  • If you set this value to No, the step ignores any columns that are not mapped to items in the Selected list. For example, if the list file contains 25 columns and the Selected list contains five properties, the step reads the information in the first five columns and ignores the other 20 columns.
  • Stop for excess columns is a positional job property. For information about using positional job properties, refer to the Information Center.