Merge dataset

Specifies whether the system merges a multi-dataset job from Download for z/OS or AFP Download Plus into a single job.


RICOH ProcessDirector merges a multi-dataset job into a single job.
No (default)
RICOH ProcessDirector does not merge a multi-dataset job into a single job. RICOH ProcessDirector processes the multi-dataset job as a parent job with a set of child jobs.

Database name

Usage note: If you are using Download for z/OS, this property applies to AFP, mixed mode, and line data jobs. If you submit a multi-dataset line data or mixed mode job with the Merge dataset property set to Yes, RICOH ProcessDirector first converts each dataset to AFP and then combines the individual datasets into a single AFP job. Resources needed for the line data conversion must be in the default AFP resources directory and also in the directory specified in the Destination control file property. Resources for the mixed-mode conversion must be either inline in the dataset or located in the default AFP resources directory and in the Destination control file property.