Checkpoint status

Specifies whether the job is late meeting its planned checkpoints.


The job has missed its next checkpoint, or the job missed its last checkpoint.
The job is on schedule to meet its next checkpoint. However, it could have missed a previous checkpoint.

If this property is blank, RICOH ProcessDirector did not determine the checkpoint status because no service policy is associated with the job.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • If the status is Late, you can use the Promote action to make the job progress faster through the remaining phases. Or, you can use the Schedule action to move the job to another printer that is not busy.
  • If you used the Print Again or Process Again action, the status could be Late because the planned checkpoints of the job do not change unless you process the job again from the first step.
  • When the Checkpoint status for a job is Late, RICOH ProcessDirector adds a yellow dot to the Deadlines portlet and to the Schedule risk column in the Jobs table. The heading of the Schedule risk column is blank. To see the name of the column, hover over the heading area.
  • When a deadline step and estimated durations are set for the steps in a workflow, service policies for jobs do not control the dot color. The Tracking status, Predicted outcome, and Deadline outcome properties control the dot color.
    • If the Tracking status is Behind schedule, the dot is yellow.
    • If the Predicted outcome is May miss, the dot is orange.
    • If the Deadline outcome is Missed, the dot is red.