External control file template

Specifies the path and name of the control file template that the external command uses.

You can also select a step resource object as the value for the property instead of providing a path and filename. Using a step resource lets you change the specific file without editing all of the workflows that contain the step that uses the file.


1-255 characters (bytes)

Database name

Usage notes:

  • Control file template is the RICOH ProcessDirector terminology for any parameter file that an external command requires. If the external command calls an external program, the program might use a different term to refer to its parameter file.
  • If the external command does not use a control file template, do not specify a value for this property.
  • External control file template is a positional job property. For information about using positional job properties, refer to the Information Center.
  • The content and format of the information that the control file contains depends on the external command that uses the control file.
  • job_info.cfg is an example of a control file template. The job_info.cfg file is located in this directory:
    • On Linux: /aiw/aiw1/control_files/external_programs
    • On Windows: C:\aiw\aiw1\control_files\external_programs

    The control file has a list of symbols for nine job properties.

    An external command like cp ${getControlFileName()} /aiw/aiw1/samples/${Job.ID}.info.csv (on Linux) or copy ${getControlFileName()} C:\aiw\aiw1\samples\${Job.ID}.info.csv (on Windows) uses the control file to produce a CSV file with the values of the nine job properties.

    In the control file, the ${job.ID} and ${job.Name} symbols specify the Job ID and Job name job properties. Job.ID and Job.Name are the RICOH ProcessDirector database names of the job properties. In the CSV file produced when a job runs, Job ID and Job name might be 10000000 and Demo.pdf. You can add and delete symbols in the job_info.cfg file, as required for the installation.

  • For the TransformJobIntoAFP step, you can use a control file that specifies either the Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE) or Configurable PostScript Interpreter (CPSI) conversion program. Both programs convert PDF data to AFP. APPE supports more PDF capabilities and gives better performance for color jobs. To convert PDF data with APPE, change the name of the file in the property value to prepare_transform_APPE.cfg. Leave the directory path the same. To convert PDF data with CPSI, keep the default value for the name of the file: prepare_transform.cfg. Both control files convert PostScript, PCL, and SAP data to AFP.