Tracking status

Shows whether the progress of a job through a workflow is ahead of or behind the estimated time to complete the current step and all steps that have been run up to this point.


On schedule
The total time that the job has been processing is less than the estimated duration of the current step and all steps run up to this point.
Behind schedule
The total time that the job has been processing is greater than the estimated duration of the current step and all steps run up to this point.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • You cannot change the value of this property.
  • To include a step in the estimate used for tracking status, select Yes for the Include in estimated duration property of the step and specify a value for the Estimated duration property.
  • You can track the status of a job without a deadline step or deadline time. RICOH ProcessDirector does not use them to determine the tracking status.
  • When the tracking status for a job is Behind schedule, RICOH ProcessDirector adds a colored dot to the Deadlines portlet and to the Schedule risk column in the Jobs table:
    • When the deadline outcome for the job is Cannot determine or Met, the dot is yellow.
    • When the deadline outcome for the job is Missed, the dot is red.

    The heading of the Schedule risk column is blank. To see the name of the column, hover over the heading area.

  • A yellow dot in the Jobs table can indicate that a job is late for a Service Level Agreement (SLA) checkpoint even when the Tracking status is On schedule. In this situation, the workflow has both an SLA checkpoint and a deadline step defined.
  • Tracking status is only calculated after the first step that has an estimated duration has been run. To compute the tracking status at the start of the job, include the SetJobPropsFromTextFile step in the estimated duration.
  • Tracking status is only updated when a job is being processed in a step that is included in the estimated duration. If a job goes into error in a step that is not included in the estimation duration, tracking status is not updated.