Rendering intent

Specifies the rendering intent that this step should associate with the job. Rendering intents inform the printer what action to take when a print job includes colors that lie outside the color range of the printer.


Perceptual (default)
The printer adjusts all the colors in the image so they are all in the color range of the printer and maintain their color relationships to each other.
Media-Relative Colorimetric
The printer substitutes the nearest color that it can print for out-of-range colors; in-range colors are not adjusted.
The printer substitutes the nearest color that it can print for out-of-range colors and adjusts in-range colors to make them more vivid.
ICC-Absolute Colorimetric
The printer substitutes the nearest color that it can print for out-of-range colors, then all colors are adjusted based on the white point of the media.

Database name

Usage note: Rendering intent is a positional job property. For information about using positional job properties, refer to the Information Center.