Clean up timing

Specifies when the RemoveJobs step deletes job files. You can choose to have job files deleted as soon as they arrive in the step or wait until a time when the system is not as busy processing jobs.


Delayed (default)
Job files are not deleted when they arrive in the step. Instead, they move to the Waiting to delete state. The job files are deleted when there are fewer jobs processing in the system, such as after hours or during a maintenance period. Use this option to dedicate more of the server resources to job processing and have downtime when jobs can be deleted without affecting processing.
Job files are deleted as soon as the job arrives in the RemoveJobs step, even if there are jobs processing through workflows. Use this option if disk space is a concern and removing jobs from the system quickly is a priority or if you control when jobs move into this step using a RetainCompletedJobs or Wait step.

Database name