Tray mapping file

Specifies the full path and name of a file that maps trays in AFP medium maps to RICOH ProcessDirector media names. Medium maps are specified in AFP form definitions. You can also select a step resource object as the value for the property instead of providing a path and filename. Using a step resource lets you change the specific file without editing all of the workflows that contain the step that uses the file.
Database name
Usage notes
  • To create the file:

    • Map each tray to a RICOH ProcessDirector media name on a separate line.
    • Start each line with traytomedia, a space, the tray number, and a colon (:).
    • After the colon, put the RICOH ProcessDirector media name enclosed in quotation marks.

    White space on either side of the colon is optional.

    Save the mapping as a text file.

    This example maps two trays to RICOH ProcessDirector media names:

    • traytomedia 1 : "Letter Preprinted"
    • traytomedia 2 : "A3"

  • If RICOH ProcessDirector media names include Unicode characters, edit the tray mapping file with an editor that saves text in UTF-8 format.
  • You can use RICOH ProcessDirector symbol notation for the name of the file. For example, you have a different tray mapping file for each printer that can be requested for jobs. The name of each file is the name of the printer. Use this symbol: ${Job.RequestedPrinter}

    If each file has a CFG extension, and you store them in the tray_mapping subdirectory of the control_files directory, set this value for the Tray mapping file property:

    • /aiw/aiw1/control_files/tray_mapping/${Job.RequestedPrinter}.cfg on Linux.
    • C:\aiw\aiw1\control_files\tray_mapping\${Job.RequestedPrinter}.cfg on Windows.

    For more information about symbol notation and how to use it, refer to the help system.

  • If you specify a media name that is not a RICOH ProcessDirector media object, the step ignores the media name. The tray number remains in the medium map.