Connection status

Shows the status of the server.


The application or secondary server can communicate with the primary server.
Either the application or secondary process is not running or it cannot establish a network connection with the primary server. The server process might be inactive because the server was rebooted, the process itself was shut down, or a system failure occurred. The disconnected server tries to reconnect with the primary server at one-minute intervals.

When the primary server detects that an application or secondary server is disconnected, these actions occur:

  • Any printer devices that are associated with the disconnected server are disabled. RICOH ProcessDirector moves to an error state any jobs that are assigned to those printers and that have printed pages. If a job has been assigned to a printer on the secondary server but has not begun printing, RICOH ProcessDirector moves it to the queued state.
  • Input devices that are associated with the disconnected server do not process any new input files that they receive.
  • RICOH ProcessDirector cancels any steps that are associated with the disconnected server and that are actively processing a job. The job is moved to an error state and a message is written to the job error log.
  • RICOH ProcessDirector does not schedule new steps to the server until the server reconnects.
Database name