Path to custom profiles

The path where the transform profile files for the job are stored.

By default, the step uses transform profile files in the C:\aiw\aiw1\cpt\profiles directory for Windows and /aiw/aiw1/cpt/profiles directory for Linux. If you change the default path and enter a custom path, the step uses the files located in the folder you specified. If the field does not contain any path, either default or custom, the path to the custom profiles does not get set. Each data stream has its own profile containing both input and output parameters. The name of the profile must be of the form, where afp indicates it is the profile for AFP input and output.

The Advanced Transform feature supplies sample profiles in the C:\aiw\aiw1\samples\cpt\profiles directory for Windows and /aiw/aiw1/samples/cpt/profiles directory for Linux that you can customize for some applications. If you have a profile to apply for a certain workflow, edit the sample and provide the name of the path where you stored the edited profile in this property.

Default path:
C:\aiw\aiw1\cpt\profiles on Windows and /aiw/aiw1/cpt/profiles on Linux.
Database name: