Workflow initialization step

Specifies the name of the step that the input device uses to initialize the parent workflow for the input files that the input device receives, convert an optional overrides file submitted with a job to a text file in RICOH ProcessDirectorproperty name=value format for setting job properties, or both.


Not set
The input device has no assigned workflow initialization step. Use this setting if you assign the workflow by setting the Workflow property for the input device.
This step sets the parent workflow value by using a RICOH ProcessDirector control file. You can edit the control file so that RICOH ProcessDirector determines the workflow from a value of a parameter that accompanies the job. For example, RICOH ProcessDirector could use the FORMS JCL parameter to set the workflow. The Parent workflow parsing rules property for the input device specifies the control file that RICOH ProcessDirector uses. This step can also use the control file to convert an optional overrides file to a text file in RICOH ProcessDirectorproperty name=value format for setting job properties.
This step sets the workflow value by parsing the name of the input file. You can specify a pattern-matching string that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to determine the part of the name to use. For example, RICOH ProcessDirector could use the file extension of the input file to set the workflow. The Parent workflow pattern property for the input device specifies the pattern-matching string that RICOH ProcessDirector uses. This step can also use the control file specified by the Parent workflow parsing rules property for the input device to convert an optional overrides file to a text file in RICOH ProcessDirectorproperty name=value format for setting job properties.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • You can use the Workflow property in place of or in conjunction with the Workflow initialization step property. At least one of the properties must have a value. If the workflow initialization step cannot assign a parent workflow to the job or if the property does not have a value, RICOH ProcessDirector uses the workflow that the Workflow property for the input device specifies.
  • The Child workflow initialization step property for the input device specifies the step that initializes the workflow for single and child jobs.