Property Mapping

Lets you map headings in a preferences file to document properties in the system. The property mapping is used by the ApplyPreferences step in a workflow to add or change values in the document properties file (DPF) for the job.
Specifies the headings in the preferences file that you want to map to document properties.
Document property
Specifies the document properties that correspond with the headings in the preferences file.
Identify document
Specifies one or more heading and document property pairs that are used together to find each document in the DPF, so that its values can be updated. Ideally, set this value for at least one pair that has a unique value for each document in the job, such as a customer ID or order number. RICOH ProcessDirector compares the values under these headings in the preferences file to the document property values in the DPF to find a row that matches all of the values.
Update property
Specifies which heading and document property pairs are used in updating the values in the document properties file. After RICOH ProcessDirector finds a match for the Identify document pairs, values under this heading in the preferences file are used to update the corresponding document property values in the DPF.
Database name

Usage notes:

  • You must map at least two headings to document properties, one for each Usage type - Identify document and Update property.
  • To add more mappings, click + to the right of any mapping. To delete a mapping, click - to the right of the mapping you want to delete.
  • The order of the mappings does not have to match the order of the headings in the preferences file.
  • You do not have to map all of the headings to document properties.
  • If a row in the preferences file does not match any document in the database, the row is ignored.
  • If a row in the DPF file does not include the property that a value in the preferences file is mapped to, that property and value are added to the end of every row.