Configuring the Auto Color Adjuster Server Settings

Change the IP address and port number of the computer being used as the server. Use this procedure when you need to change the information you specified while installing the RICOH Auto Color Adjuster.
To configure the Auto Color Adjuster Server Settings:
  1. If the RICOH Auto Color Adjuster application is not displayed, double-click the RICOH desktop icon (RICOH icon) to start it.
  2. In the RICOH Auto Color Adjuster dialog, select the Settings button (Settings button).
  3. In the left pane, select Auto Color Adjuster Server Settings.
  4. Enter the IP Address.
    1. In the Command Prompt dialog, enter ipconfig | find "IPv4", and then press Enter.
      The IPv4 addresses are displayed.
    2. In Auto Color Adjuster Server Settings IP Address, enter the IP address from the Command Prompt dialog, which is available within the Local Area Network. For more information, contact your system administrator.
  5. Enter the Port Number.
    1. In the Command Prompt dialog, type netstat -nao | find "TCP" | find "LISTEN", and then press Enter.
      • When typing the netstat -nao | find "TCP" | find "LISTEN" command, make sure that there are four blank spaces between TCP and
      Once the command is executed, you see five columns displayed.
    2. If is not displayed in the second column containing local addresses, make sure that 8080 is entered in the Port Number field.
    3. If is displayed in the second column containing local addresses, choose an integer value greater than 1024 and less than 65535 that is not displayed after the colon. In Auto Color Adjuster Server Settings Port Number, enter the chosen value not displayed after the colon.
      Example: If is not displayed in the second column of local addresses, enter 18024.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Restart the RICOH Auto Color Adjuster.