Using the Colorimetry Function

To use the Colorimetry function:

  1. To start the desktop application, double-click the RICOH icon ([RICOH] icon).
  2. In the RICOH Auto Color Adjuster dialog, select Colorimetry.
  3. In the Colorimetry dialog, check the ID of the chart to be used for colorimetry, in the Chart ID column.
  4. To print the PDF corresponding to your chart ID, stored in the C:\RicohAutoColorAdjuster\ReferenceChart\CMS folder, use the printer whose colors you want to measure.
  5. Place the chart for colorimetry with the side to scan facing up on the machine. For details, see Placing an Original or Color Chart on the Paper Tray.Placing the chart for colorimetry on the machine
  6. In the Colorimetry dialog, select the checkbox next to the colorimetry chart you want to scan. Select Scan.
  7. In the Measurement and Saving Settings dialog, select the measurement conditions, save location of the measurement result, and other settings. For details, see Configuration of the Colorimetry Dialog.
  8. Select OK.
    The Scan Chart dialog is displayed.
  9. In the Scan Chart dialog, select Start Scan.
    The machine starts scanning the chart for colorimetry, and creates a file in the selected folder.