Uninstalling the RICOH Auto Color Adjuster

Use this procedure to uninstall the RICOH Auto Color Adjuster.

To uninstall the RICOH Auto Color Adjuster:

  1. Log in to the computer using a user account with administrator privileges.
  2. On the Windows taskbar, select Start Settings.
  3. In the Settings dialog, select Apps Apps & features.
  4. Find the RICOH AutoColorAdjuster in the list.
  5. Next to the RICOH AutoColorAdjuster, select the More button, then select Uninstall.
  6. You receive a message that this application is going to be uninstalled. Select Uninstall.
  7. If prompted to allow this application to make changes to your device, select Yes.
    The setup wizard is displayed.
  8. In the RICOH Auto Color Adjuster Setup wizard, select Uninstall.
    The uninstallation process starts. You receive a message that the RICOH Auto Color Adjuster Web Server application is using files that need to be updated.
  9. If you want to close the applications mentioned in the message, select Close the applications and attempt to restart them.
  10. If you do not want to close the applications mentioned in the message, select Do not close the applications. A reboot will be required.
  11. Select OK.
  12. You receive a message that the uninstall was successfully completed. Select Close.
  13. If you selected Do not close the applications. A reboot will be required. in one of the previous steps, reboot your system.