NGColor Verification Results

Use this section if the Color Verification Results are frequently NG.

Cause Solution and reference
An incorrect color chart is scanned. Check that the correct color chart is printed. To check the correct number of the color chart:
  1. On the Initial Settings page, specify a combination of Machine Name and Paper Name, then select Details.
  2. Check the Color Verification ID.

For details, see RICOH Auto Color Adjuster: Installation Guide.

The color chart is not scanned properly. Place the color chart correctly on the tray of the machine. For details, see Placing an Original or Color Chart on the Paper Tray.
The color chart is not printed on right type of paper. Print the color chart on the type of paper that is specified in Paper Type under Manage Paper on the Initial Settings page.

For details, see RICOH Auto Color Adjuster: Installation Guide.

The threshold value is not specified correctly. On the Initial Settings page, specify the default value in Set Threshold.

For details, see RICOH Auto Color Adjuster: Installation Guide.

The color chart for creating a profile or the chart for color verification is printed using incorrect print settings.
  • Print the color chart for creating a profile using the correct print settings. For details, see Adjusting Colors.
  • Print the color chart for verification using the correct print settings. For details, see Verifying Colors.
Data processed by the RIP is stored on the printer, in the job for printing the chart for color verification. Check for RIP-processed data in the job for printing the color verification chart on the DFE, delete the stored data, if any, then reprint the job.

For details about the operation, see the manual of the DFE.

The color reproduction of the printer changed after the profile was created. Perform Quick Color Adjustment again. For details, see Adjusting Colors.
  • If NG continues to occur frequently, contact your service representative.